I’ve been retired for 2 weeks and of course it is wonderful. The but is that I’ve not had enough time for myself at home. I’ve had too many things going on each day. I also realized I need to stay away from my former work place. I went back for a baby shower and it was nice to see people, but being there made me feel sad. I just don’t belong there anymore and need time to process it. I ran into J at the grocery and he talked about when he retired he went on a trip to decompress. I had thought about that but since Alan is still working I decided to wait until he’s also retired. J agreed I should stay away from my old workplace and take time to process my feelings. I really valued having another retiree to talk with about this. It was a surprise the feelings I experienced when I was at my former workplace.
So, the next couple of weeks, I will be careful to keep my days more open. I am really enjoying my volunteer work with my local board. I really like the staff and other board members so it is enjoyable while also fulfilling my need to contribute to the community.
Magnum is growing bigger everyday. His legs are longer and he looks gangly. He struggles with coordination at times trying to run too fast or stop too suddenly. I spent several days weeding my flower garden, which had turned into a jungle of weeds. I kept putting off weeding and said I would do it when I retired. So, while I worked weeding, Magnum would grab a weed I pulled and would run with it in his mouth, racing through the jungle and around the yard. He would do this until he was ready to drop. He was so funny to watch. Magnum and I have 3 classes a week and he is doing so well in each. We train for very short periods several times a day. It is just fun. I’m trying to remember to take lots of pictures. He seems bigger each day.
So, retirement is good and has taught me some new lessons.