Tuesday, August 2, 2011

First Day of Retirement

The first day of retirement was unexpected.  I started out in the hot tub, which I hadn’t done on a weekday since I got Magnum because he needed my time.  Then went for a bike ride.  I was ready for yoga and a meeting with E and let Shadow and Magnum out in the garage while I went to get laundry to hang-up outside.  When I came out there was a yellow dog, young intact male.  He looked about 9 months to a year, very friendly, but what was he doing in my yard?  I immediately put Magnum in his crate – worried about disease and other things.  The dog kept going up to Shadow and she growled and gave him an ugly bark when he got in her face.  He seemed to know something was different with her and kept putting his face next to hers.  So I grabbed Shadow and put her in the house.  In the fight or fright department, Shadow is a fighter.  With her blindness, she is unable to tell what is a real threat.  I didn't need to have my girl in a fight.

Kinsey is the mellow girl and thought, hey a new friend to visit.  I hung out the clothes with my new buddy – yellow dog.  I had to leave Shadow in the house when I left, but thought that was the best thing to do.  When I got back, 4 hours later, yellow dog was still there.  I then attempted to chase him away, plead with him, but all to no avail. He hung out in the garage and under the tree with fresh water.

I called my pet sitter D to find out what she would suggest.  From my daily bike rides, I know all the dogs in my area and yellow dog did not belong to any of my neighbors.  On my bike ride I had noticed two dog dishes  in an aisle in a field about a mile from my house.  I think someone dumped yellow dog there.  I decided to call the Clark County Humane Society because they keep dogs longer than some of the other shelters.  They said they probably wouldn’t be out until the next day.  When Alan got home, I told him I planned to feed the dog because he was very thin and starving.  Alan agreed and also thought he was a nice dog.  If it wasn’t for Shadow and Magnum, we might have considered keeping him.  Alan said he looked like he had some pit bull in him, but he was very sweet.

Alan’s perspective was good – he said he didn’t know what would happen to the dog, but we had given him companionship, food and kindness.  The Humane Society came on Tuesday morning almost exactly 24 hours after yellow dog had arrived.  We had given yellow dog 4 meals and lots of dog biscuits while he was with us.  The man was gentle with him and I feed yellow dog biscuits.  The man said the census was low at the shelter, so they would probably be able to find him a home.  Whether it is true or not, I need to believe yellow dog will find a good home.

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