Sunday, July 31, 2011

I am retired!

I am retired and it feels good.  It will be awhile before I really know how it feels.  I am coming off the high of a wonderful cookout with staff and a lovely reception planned and carried out by the staff.  They really out did themselves and made my celebration a very memorable event.  I really appreciate all their work, thoughtfulness, and caring.  It means a lot to me. 

Friday, I wasn’t feeling well.  Something was going on with my stomach and my back hurt.  I haven’t been doing my back exercises because I’ve been too busy, so I did all the exercises, then went into town and sat on the bike path in the shade and used my computer. I don’t get good reception at home.  Also downloaded a book onto my new Kindle given to me by the staff.  Quite a wonderful gift! This made me feel like I was retired.  Several folks I know went by and there I was acting like a bum with time on my hands. 

Shadow, Magnum and I went tracking with M in the afternoon, once again in 90-degree weather.  But the dogs were amazing.  M laid a track for Shadow weaving around a line of trees.  As we started, Magnum was in the back of the car barking and I told him to watch Shadow and learn.  Shadow was great.  M said it was neat to stand back and watch her.  It really makes sense to do curved tracks because who really walks a straight line?  But AKC tracks are straight lines.  It was something different and not long.  Hank, the beagle, was great as usual.  He has some really cute ways.  At a turn, I noticed that he looks quickly in the correct direction, and then goes in the opposite direction.  So M just has to stand her ground and he will come back to the correct direction.

When it was Magnum’s turn, he was great.  His track was short and straight, but he was putting his nose down to the ground and joyfully going.  So maybe the old dog can teach the young dog a few things.  This week's plans – yoga 3 times, hopefully swimming in YS pool during adult swim, early morning (6:00 am) bike ride most days, early morning (8) walk, several meetings, and a lunch.  Sounds fun.  And tonight I can stay up and watch Curb Your Enthusiasm!!  

1 comment:

  1. You've been doing a lot of stuff lately! That's good! But don't you miss your job? I mean, retirement can lead to 2 feelings - sorrow and happiness. There may be times that you would miss the people you used to work with. But, at the same time, you do enjoy being free! Do you often feel both?

    Richmond Hill
