Monday, July 25, 2011

Saying Good By

One week left and I learned at last week’s staff meeting what will be the challenge for me – saying good by to the staff.  I presented a ten-year anniversary pin to M whose anniversary is in September, but I wanted to do it before I left.  I hired her and have always been impressed with her work, promoted her, and just like her.  Toward the end of the presentation I noticed a feeling in my chest and thought, I just may cry.  I held it together and didn’t think anyone noticed.  Then at the end of the meeting I started to thank everyone for their work and tell them how much I appreciated them and I started tearing up and couldn’t finish.  I’ve done all the planning of what I will do, saving money, financial preparation for when I retire, but how do you plan to say good by? 

My analogy for knowing my co-workers is they all represent different books that I have started reading.  They are all interesting and I an enjoying the read.  Now, the books will be taken away before I have finished.  I won’t know how each story finishes.  There will be some folks that I will see, but for the most part many I probably won’t see again.  Our paths may not cross again except for a random encounter.  This is how it works in our society and maybe in most. 

This last week will be hard.  I have a cookout at lunch one day and a reception my last day.  It will help having friends there that I will see again.  It will be hard to say farewell to co-workers and folks from agencies with whom I have worked.  I still have work to do and have been thinking about how to get it accomplished.  Really, that’s the easy part of finishing up 22 years at an agency – it’s saying good by to people that is hard.

I added the picture above for a bright spot.  11 weeks and Magnum says "I own this tunnel!"

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