Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wait, Wait, Hurry, Hurry

Does it ever feel like you wait, wait for something, then suddenly it’s here.  We’re getting ready to go to Scotland.  It’s been in the planning stages for 9 months or so.  Lots of time to get ready.  And, for the most part I am.  But there are all those last minute items to complete.  Bags are packed, documents ready to go, arrangements made and suddenly time seems to speed up.

Today Alan and I went kayaking on the Little Miami at River’s Edge.  It’s a nice place that is open during the week.  The river route is lovely going through rural areas. There were three deer getting a drink at the river along the way.  It was my first time kayaking. We plan to go to Hawaii and ocean kayak, so I thought I should practice.  I’ve done lots of canoeing, but never kayaked. The kayak has more control than a canoe, which is good since I almost went through a small rapid backwards.  But, with the kayak, I was able to turn myself around and was okay.  On the way back, Alan said, “This retirement really keeps you busy.”  It does. 

Last week we went to Covington Kentucky to see an exhibit by the Colored Pencil Society of America. We were the only ones there for half an hour, and then several older retirees came in.  Alan works with colored pencils sometimes, so he really enjoyed it.  After the exhibit, we had lunch at 10 West on the Ohio River.  We had a delicious lunch with a wonderful view of the river.   We are doing more fun things since we retired.  Things we didn’t have time for when we worked.  But we are also continuing to do lots of things we did while we were working.    I could spend all day playing – riding my bike, tracking with Magnum, hiking, yoga, and practicing agility with Magnum.  I also like to swim and canoe.  Then there are the quiet activities such as reading. Now, if I want to add more stuff, then I have to let something else go.  Right now my days are packed. 

So we get to the hurry, hurry for the trip.  All the last minute details.   Magnum will go to Wags Inn and Shadow and Kinsey will go to Dillon’s Kennel.  The three sisters (cats) will be staying at the house with their friend Diane taking care of them.

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