Saturday, October 19, 2013

Moment of Truth (MOT)

Moment of Truth

A moment of truth may be defined as a critical or decisive time on which much depends; a crucial moment.  A moment of truth (MOT) in tracking with my dog, Magnum is basically the same.  AKC defines it as a turn that should be plotted with 30 yards into the turn on non-vegetated surface followed by an additional 30 yards after the turn before another change in surface.

What it really means is that it is an extremely difficult turn and demonstrates your dog’s ability to track on a non-vegetated surface.  But, let’s face it; every turn in tracking is a MOT.  Your dog either figures out the direction to go or you are no longer on the track. 

Yesterday late afternoon I tracked with Magnum on a 3 hour old track laid at John Bryan State Park.  The track started in the grass, had a turn that transitioned to a parking lot, and then had a turn on the asphalt.  The turn on the asphalt was a MOT.  Magnum, for the first time ever, needed no assistance from me.  He got to the turn, stopped several feet after, and explored all directions.  He then took off in the correct direction. 

Wow – was I excited.  Magnum, as I have shared in the past, is an incredible tracker in that he is hard working, doesn’t give up, and is always enthusiastic.  He really gets it and understands his job. 

When I say it was the first time I hadn’t assisted him, I don’t mean that I usually lead him.  I don’t.  But I know where the turn occurs and I don’t let him go in the wrong direction.  I always let him explore and check out bits of trash all over, but I don’t follow him in an incorrect direction.  I wait until he is going in the correct direction and then follow him.

This particular turn was like his turns in the grass, very decisive and he pulled strongly.  We are one week away from our variable surface test (VST) and I am getting anxious.  I have thought about pulling him because I am uncertain if we are ready (we does include me).  Yesterday gave me tremendous hope.  And, isn’t life and joy about hope.  More to come later!

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