Wednesday, August 27, 2014

English Spring Spaniel Dance

It looks like my video didn’t quite work.  So I am attaching a make-up picture of Magnum performing an old ancient north woods tale.  It has been told, as passed down from dog owner to dog owner, a story about a handsome English Springer Spaniel.   When the full-moon rises and the camp fire is blazing, then the springer will begin to dance around the fire.  He performs a dance that is felt to his bones and calls out to him from springers of ancient times.  He dances with all his heart.  
The attached photo shows Magnum enacting this ancient tail.  Hope you enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I just caught up on your posts. I love this picture! It is a new year and we need to stay in touch. Call some time.
