Monday, November 4, 2013

Result - VST

Sunday, Oct. 27th was a cool day with dew on the grass – perfect for tracking.  The tracking test at the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial National Specialty had 4 dogs for tracking dog test (TD), 1 dog for tracking dog excellent (TDX), and 3 dogs for variable surface (VST).  I got to draw first for the VST and drew the first track.  This meant that Magnum and I would be the first VST tested.

While waiting for the tests to begin, I was talking with another of the VST testees.  With her was a tall man who said he had the first Springer to pass the VST test.  I knew the name of the person who had the first VST Springer so I asked his name and he said Ed Pressnell.  I had been using Ed’s book for VST training.  The woman with him was his wife.

The only dog to qualify for any of the tracking tests was a TD test.  None of us passed the VST test.  I wasn’t surprised or upset with Magnum because I didn’t think he was ready.  He started the test on grass and had a good start.  He transitioned from grass to asphalt and did fine.  He came to a crossroad with buildings to the left and right or could go straight.  This was about 100 feet from the start.  He did not commit to going straight and was uncertain.  I let him smell the scent article several times.  Finally he went to the left where there was grass running next to the asphalt.  He thought he found an article and I picked it up.  Shortly after this, the judges whistled.  The judges whistle when you and your dog have failed.  His track actually went straight for another 60 feet or so, and then turned.  The tracklayer said she thought he was uncertain and saw the grass and felt comfortable with grass.  Ed told me Magnum didn’t have the confidence to go straight and thought I turned my body to the left and so Magnum went left.

Ed has tracking workshops that cover VST, so I plan to attend one.  Unfortunately, the workshops close to me are full until summer.  So, I think I will go to New Mexico in March so we can be ready for either spring or next fall.

Ed suggested that I just spend a month working on short transitions doing 4 or 5 at a time.  Good advice.  I think I will go back to using curbs for about a month before the transitions.  I will cut back on the number of days we track to 3 or 4 per week.

The agility trial did not start well for us.  We were having a great standard course run and were 3 obstacles before the end.  Magnum was heading for the tunnel when a photographer, standing outside the ring, but next to the tunnel, started shooting pictures of Magnum.  As soon as Magnum heard the camera, he headed toward the photographer.  This had also happened to a couple of other dogs.  Magnum is young, so I hope he is now used to this distraction.  I quickly got him back to the tunnel, but he had gotten a refusal.  He had been running really well and fast.  On the jumper’s course, he again ran fast, but knocked a bar.  Seems like he knocks a bar at every trial, so we need to work on this.  He tends to drag a back foot.

The next day we were entered in Standard, Jumpers, and Time 2 Beat.  He qualified in each, so I was pleased.  He again ran fast. We're traveling for a while and entered an agility trial in North Carolina.  We'll see how we do.

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