Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Puppy for Retirement

Is there anything cuter than a newborn puppy?  My ESS friend Patty in Minnesota just emailed that Mach 4 Kelly had 8 puppies– 4 boys and 4 girls.  She sent a picture of the new mom and puppies.  They are so sweet.  Patty then emailed me and asked what I want in a puppy.  I guess the puppy is actually going to be a reality for me and for Shadow.  I am interested in a male because I think a male will fit in better with my two females.  I am interested in health, temperament, and physical ability for agility.  Color’s my last consideration.  I’ve always had liver and white ESS, but I am certainly open to a black and white. 

I will be rereading “The Focused Puppy” so that I can be prepared for all of the things I should be doing with a puppy to prepare it for being a good companion and performance dog.  

I am excited about Kelly’s puppies.  I believe I have found an exceptional breeder whose dogs are passing on genes for agility.  Kelly’s mother Mach 5 Brooke has just retired from agility.  The dogs are great athletes.  The Mach title before their name represents a title at the master’s level in the American Kennel Club (AKC) for 20 double q’s (qualifying in a standard run and a jumper run on the same day) and 750 speed points.  So Kelly has accomplished 80 double q’s and 3,000 speed points, while Brooke has 100 double q’s and 3,750 speed points.  An amazing accomplishment!  Patty is also an awesome competitor.

I checked the mileage and route to Patty’s house in Minnesota – 13 ½ hours.  A long drive, but well worth it. 

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